31DC13 Day 16: Tribal Print

Aaaand I'm continuing with the challenge to day 16 and tribal print. This was pretty much the hardest day for me as I had to spent quite some time figuring out what should I do. I had some trouble with this one last time I did the challenge too and I finally then gave in and just painted some black tribal print over brown base. Pretty much all the challenge manis that I've seen for this day have had some colorful tribal print in them and that's of course ok, but I just didn't want to do that. I'm not the biggest fan of that type of tribal print anyways and I'm probably a bit weird as to me it often looks more like Easter egg paintings than tribal print... Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of really awesome tribal print nail art out there, but like with the animal print day, I just didn't want to do the most obvious thing. So I did quite some googling and I finally found this picture and I pretty much stole the idea from there. I didn't want to do the same thing for all my nails though, so I also borrowed Nailside's awesome tribal print idea and used that for my thumb, index and pinky nails.

Yep, I know this is quite funny looking mani, but at least I tried to do something different, right?! This didn't really turn out excactly like I pictured it and of course I managed to also smudge some of the design with the top coat, but still this was quite fun to do and also to wear!

I started this mani with two coats of Essie Sand Tropez and then I painted the nail art with Essie Licorice. Of course the original picture where I got my idea was so much better looking and I didn't really manage to capture the idea like I wanted to, but you still (maybe) get the idea from this too...?

Misa BACKbone
Essie Sand Tropez 2 coats
Essie Licorice (for the nail art)
Glisten&Glow HK Girl Top Coat

And here's the mani I did for this day two years ago:
You can read the full post here.

Haaste jatkuu ja vuorossa on siis jonkinmoinen heimoprintti (hieno suomennos, eikö?). Tämä päivä oli jo viimeksi haastetta tehdessä melkoisen vaikea ja tälläkin kertaa tuotti aikamoisia hankaluuksia, kun en meinannut millään keksiä mitä kynsille tekisin. En halunnut tehdä sellaista värikästä printtiä, mitä suurin osa tuntuu tätä päivää varten tekevän, vaan halusin keksiä jotain muuta. Viimein googlettaessani löysin tämän kuvan, josta idea sitten lähti (eli siis kopioin idean suoraan kuvasta...). En kuitenkaan halunnut tehdä kaikkia kynsiä samanlaisiksi, joten lainasin myös Nailsiden tätä haastetta varten toteuttamaa ideaa

Pohjalla lakkauksessa on siis Essien Sand Tropez ja mustat on 'taiteiltu' Essien Licoricella. Kyllä kai näistä kynsistä jonkinlainen tribal print -idea välittyy..? Ainakin minulla oli hauskaa näitä tehdessä ja valmis tuloskin oli melkoisen huvittava...