China Glaze Custom Kicks scotch tape mani

I'm sure you all have seen all the amaxing manis that Erika does with scotch tape, so of course I had to give it a try too.

I used China Glaze Custom Kicks as base color and also China Glaze Atlantis on ring finger to make the mani even more interesting. Then I taped it with scotch tape and used Essence I Love Berlin LE Berlin Story. I thought this was really fun manicure, though it isn't perfect. I think I need to try some other tape manis too, it's so much fun and quite easy to do.

Here's Custom Kicks by herself:

This is just one coat, because I knew I was going continue the mani from this. If you're gonna wear it alone, it needs probably two coats. And this pic isn't really color accurate, it's more teal IRL than blue. I'm not so into blues/teals and though this is really pretty with that golden shimmer, I probably wouldn't wear it alone as it didn't feel like me, but as part of tape mani this was really good. And I don't many blues/teal in my collection anyways, so I think I need to keep this, even though it isn't exactly my color.